Timing is an important factor for this plan to become a reality, and the timing is absolutely perfect at the moment with this Global Financial Crisis, as no country can afford to waste money on the negative spending on new weapons, which will only cause further death and destruction, or just rust out!
Nearly everyone knows of the tragedy of 9/11, but very few know of the much larger tragedy that 25000 children die each DAY from preventable diseases, in fact 92 million children died from 2000 – 2010 (14 a minute). The reason this is not public knowledge is because these faceless children are “not in our backyard”. If these were our children, certainly our attitude would be very different, yet they are still our brothers and sisters! During the last 3 years I have been leading healthcare teams to work in the slums of India, so these faceless children now have very real and beautiful faces, and have made a huge impact on my heart. Unfortunately they have nobody to be their voice, pleading for help and to tell their devastating story, so this is the reason why I have developed the 3P Plan, which is a plan to instigate World Peace, and reduce Poverty and Pollution.
The 3P Plan makes common sense, and 99.999% of the world DO NOT want war, as we all want to see our children grow up and be happy, healthy and safe! The last decade has seen a huge groundswell of people power which has caused the removal of Governments, so we are hoping that people will embrace this 3P Plan and put pressure on our elected representatives to make this plan a reality!